The Ultimate DOO Certification Course: A Review of The Ops Authority’s Program


The DOO certification by Natalie Gingrich and The Ops Authority® will transform your life- I know it did mine.   As an art educator who dove into entrepreneurship within the online space, this course helped me realize that my business had acquired a clear kind of definition as an operator. If you’re curious to learn more about the Director of Operations Certification, I encourage you to read on and hope this review provides you with valuable insight into how it has helped me grow as a person and in my career- and what it could do for you too.

Meet Natalie Gingrich, the Founder and CEO of The Ops Authority®.

Natalie Gingrich is the founder of The Ops Authority® which is a leading educational company that teaches driven female professionals how to serve the growing online entrepreneurial economy in a strategic executive role. Natalie stresses candor and authenticity in her classroom and also puts these values into practice outside of it by ensuring her students understand and apply the concepts from the certification program to their business.

The Ops Authority’s DOO certification program offers comprehensive coverage of topics such as strategic business planning, marketing strategy, human resources, financial management, and more. The curriculum is tailored specifically to include action steps that accompany every module. This program is not a fluff-filler course that you’ll start and abandon halfway through; it provides real accountability and support for women striving to take their businesses to the next level.

The Strategic Mapping Model

The Strategic Mapping Model is a licensed business strategy that is taught to every DOO in the program. This signature process provides visionary CEOs with a 6-12 month roadmap for future productivity and profitability of their business based on seven strategic objectives.  When you learn this method, you’re on your way to earning your investment into the DOO certification back quickly.

The strategic mapping model is noteworthy for its emphasis on clarifying or defining your mission, vision, and value statements. Often overlooked and undervalued, this exercise reaffirms why you are in business, who you do and do not want to work with, and ultimately filters out the services or products that are not in alignment with this overarching statement. If you haven’t done this work for your business, or even if you have, revisit and reevaluate them with this guide.  They should be ever-evolving as your business grows.  This sole piece of the certification changed the way I work with clients to create their content strategies.

Achieving Professional Success as a PM and HR Professional

The DOO community is unique in that it fosters a sense of symbiotic collaboration over competition. As members of this learning community, project managers and human resource experts will refer each other to potential clients as every DOO takes the curriculum and tailors it to her specific area of expertise – be it hiring, strategy or execution, organizational design, financials, or data measurement. 

Within this certification, DOOs learn to effectively communicate and comprehensively report on their data in order to raise the bar of quality. They firmly establish the necessity of their positions within a company by educating stakeholders on what impacts they have on a product or service’s performance.

Learn about the DOO Certification

If you are interested in the *DOO certification, The Ops Authority’s program is a worthwhile investment. The certification content is well-written and challenging, and the program provides ample opportunity to practice the material. While I hope my account has been helpful, read the many reviews here from my peers who state how effective the DOO certification has been in helping them to improve their careers and their personal lives.  I hope you will take a moment to *apply and that it will change your life for the better as well.

*All opinions expressed here are my own. Please mention this post on your application if it is a determining factor in your decision to apply. As an affiliate, I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you should you invest in the certification program.

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