5 Guidelines For A Better Content Organization

Marketing plan on paper

I know how it goes…you’ve got a million brilliant ideas all at once that you can’t churn out content quickly enough to represent them all.  How do you determine which idea it worth following through on?  Where do you jot down or brain dump to get the ideas onto paper and off of how brain?  As a content marketer, I have explored several different way to keep me grounded for better content organization, and I am sure they will help you too.

1.  Determine Topics of Priority

I use this tool repeatedly to create my content (and sometimes I have many sheets going at the same time…). This mind map is my go to organization tool that allows me to create content for my business around any big topic that is currently relative and important to promote.  Then I branch off of the main topic to come up with other correlating information.  Get organized and focus your ideas at the link below:

Mind Map Creation Sheet

2.  Get organized with Tools

Here are some great tools that help me with content organization.

Trello– Trello helps me get everything together.  I cannot get things accomplished without it.  There are endless possibilities to organize everything with visuals, due dates, check lists, reminders, automation, and more.  Dive more into the way I use Trello here.

Asana– Although I enjoy Trello, many of my brilliant marketing peers love Asana.  I think it all comes down to your learning and organizational language and what speaks best to you.  I dove into Asana and found it a bit overwhelming.  Nonetheless, Asana has wonderful features such as lists, boards, calendars, charts, and I loved the ability for internal conversations from within the program.  They have free and tiered pricing plans to meet you at the level of support you need.  Let me know if you are an Asana user and what you love about it!

Grammarly– Grammarly, because we all need to be double checked.  Getting organized is great, but you can only organize so much before you need to get started on implementation.  This extensions comes in handy when I am writing content for my clients social media accounts.  I love that it helps catch mistakes and makes recommendations to improve your grammar.  The overall tone of your content is analyzed as well determining if you are casual, formal, friendly, or optimistic.  You can’t go wrong with correct grammar.

Google Drive– I keep everything here. Client work, agency work, administrative and operational things..  You name it, it’s in Drive.  Drive allows me to work on any computer should I need to (and recently my computer crashed and I was so thrilled to have done this….).  Additionally, I can share documents with whom I need to, and receive items of importance as well.  It hosts images, documents, allows one to create spreadsheets, and more.  I also love to link things I reference often from my daily list in Trello to Drive.  It’s free with a Google email address.  Sign up for your free 15gb of storage with Drive today!

3. Create a blog template

I am really starting to get into blogging and seeing the benefit of it for my business.  To save time and organize your content most efficiently, I recommend creating a blog template.  As an elementor user, I create my blog template under theme builder.  Here, I can create the standard post I will use for all entries, lay out my preferred design to match the aesthetic of my site, ensure it is responsive for all devices, and set html landmarks appropriately.  Now when I am ready to post a blog, I’ve got my template and can modify SEO headings and images with ease.  I’ve found this to be a great time saver.  If you use a page builder for your site, investigate how to create a template for your blog.  I’m happy to assist also.

4. Blog SEO Checklist

With my template ready to go, I really only need to focus on inputting my blog content and optimizing it for SEO.  Blog SEO can sound super overwhelming right, but it doesn’t have to be.  I’ve created a checklist to help organize my content and implement the best practices for blog SEO.  You can grab this here.

5.  Subheadings

Subheadings are a great way to organize your content, focus your thoughts, and guide your readers.  They also organically help your SEO.  As you create the body of your blog, write for easy understanding.  Check out my blog on how to get your blog found on google here as we expand on other content organization tools and SEO tips.

Don’t let your good ideas escape you because you didn’t jot them down or take time to create a good organizational system.  But, don’t spend too much time getting organized that you don’t get anything done.  Done is better than perfect.  Create the systems and then get to implementing all these brilliant ideas you have!


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